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Labor Day

Labor Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

Romania inherited Labor Day, on 1 May, from the days of Communist domination, but unlike some other states, they have not discarded it or looked upon it with disdain due to such past association.

20251 MayThuLabor Day
20261 MayFriLabor Day
20271 MaySatLabor Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Instead, Labor Day is a time when everyone gets off work and finds one of several popular ways to enjoy themselves for a day or for several days in a row.

Some camp out by the sea and swim or play a guitar by the sandy beach at Vama Veche. Others visit the “posh” concerts, resorts, and clubs in nearby Mamaia. While still others head to the mountains to hike, picnic, grill meat, and stay at fancy, breathtakingly scenic resorts.

It’s not about Socialist goals or protesting for higher wages for most people in Romania today. It’s all about spring, the opening of the beach season, and spending quality time with family.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedLabor Day
20231 MayMonLabor Day